It was then, back in 2006 when i heard the word success and made a conscious attempt to define it. Just as we shouldn't call toothpaste "Colgate" it the same way i don't agree with the "newly packaged" definition of success. If we go up to an above average child today and question the child what the would he like to turn out to be when he grows up, thinking he is smart he would most probably blurt out the answer " Sir i want to be SUCCESSFUL ". Without even to think he would most probably articulate the before thought. It is just such a subconscious reaction which i definately do not blame them for. This programming must have came from an external resource . It is just not the natural nature of a child to "internally" discover that. The problem arises when we define the commonly perceived definition of success.
It is just such a MATERIALISTIC description that is the common conception. I would not deny that probably 0.05% of the population may have a different perception about it. Success which actually means achievement, victory, accomplishment and has the antonym of failure is perceived as WEALTH and MONEY. How can not having money mean failure ? I myself have been very indulged in these concepts is the past that gave me the opportunity to come to his realization. The purpose for a man to come to earth is to clear up all the mess he has made in the past but this whole new ideology of totally indulging yourself in this activities of SUCCESS ( the misconcepted version ) is just going to totally abolish that purpose and is just going to add up to the mess that we have already made. We were supposed to be connected to GOD and not to WEALTH. I am not arguing that we should not have money, but i am saying that we should have a certain balance.

All we learn in this seminars, workshops, and camps that orientates SUCCESS to WEALTH are only going to help us to fall in a bigger ditch. I am not saying that we should not go for seminars and workshops but i am rather saying that we should know what we should take from the. Going for a motivation seminar can help you in many ways, i agree with it. But we should never take home the idea that " Tod
The only difference is that when we connect to the frequency of WEALTH or achievement in a certain materialistic aspect, it is difficult to connect to GOD. GOD also has a certain frequency. Its just like connecting to a certain radio frequency. You can only tune in to one by the way. Our mind may have certain differences that enables us to connect to many frequencies. It is only a man's choice to do whatever he wants in life. It is up to him to choose. I would really appreciate it if anyone would like to argue on my concepts, feel free to do so. It will also enable me to broaden my view. This is only a man's thought, it may not be perfect, but perfection can only be attained when we expend our thoughts. It is a man who decides to be a wondering generality or a meaningful specific.....
Akaal Sahaae,