Actually there is no real reason i am writing this post. Just some thoughts that came across my mind. There is one thing i realised in the past few weeks. That.. life is actually a very simple thing. Itz just that when we start to gain experiance, we tend to make it complexed. If we look around us, actually almost evey thought of ours is influenced by our own complexicity or experience. We tend to analyze everithing and try to connect them to form our own toughts and ten.. life becomes difficult. As we grow, we feel that life is becoming difficult.. bt i don't think so.. i think that our thoughts are just becoming more complexed.

Give this a try. Live in the simplicity of a baby. A baby will cry when it feels pain or sad. It loughs when it is happy ( dozen matter how many ppl are there and where ) . A baby dozen give a damn for formalities. It never wants to impress ( flatter ) enione. A baby is never judgemental. Many many more but my favourite one is that.. a baby always smiles at you if u smile at it .. even if you are a sinner. There is just so much that we can learn about a baby.. And yeah .. problems will come and go, don't get stuck as that is when the problem really starts.
Very interesting blog.... Ur right....there are lots of things we can learn frm these babies..which can benefit us our whole life...
a masterpiece. you can seriously write bro. only now did i pay proper attention to this post. very well written. expecially the part about the baby smiling back. the baby sees god in all. you have a head start on me my brother. i'll expect you to take over my blog someday. rock on!
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